Welcome to Willow Creek Neighborhood Association in Willow Glen, California
Welcome to Willow Creek Neighborhood Association in Willow Glen, California
Willow Creek Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting
Location: Fellowship Hall Room at Church on the Hill
January 28, 7:00-8:30pm
Presentation by Our City Forest including information about preserving our trees and planting more trees in our neighborhood
To have a tree planted on your property contact us at wcnaweb@gmail.com
Information about City Council Members and the Election on 3/3/20
Come and see what the current board has accomplished in 2019, and help make decisions about our community in 2020.
Vote for New Board Members
Board Terms are over for the board President, Treasurer and three Members at Large. If you’re interested in running for these positions please show up at the meeting. For more information please contact us.
Website: Willowcreekneighborhood.org Email Address: wcnaweb@gmail.com
Facebook: Willow Creek Neighborhood Association Instagram: Willowcreekneighborhood
Any donations to our association are greatly appreciated. This money pays for the food and beverages for our annual picnic, our post office box, our website, and for the cost of printing our newsletters.
Please return this form with your annual dues of $10 to be entered into a drawing to win a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates.
Drawing will be held at our Annual Neighborhood Meeting. You do not need to be present to win. The board members and their families will be excluded from this drawing. Send dues to Willow Creek Neighborhood Association, PO Box 18181, San Jose, CA 95118 or you can also enter the drawing at the meeting.If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Please note that the neighborhood association name has been changed from the Canoas Garden Neighborhood Association to Willow Creek Neighborhood Association. This was not an arbitrary change by the Board, but as a result of the request of several neighbors. The by-laws outline the procedures necessary for a name change, and were followed accordingly. The city has been notified and has made the appropriate changes
NEIGHBORHOOD DUES The neighborhood organization dues of $10.00 have not changed for several years. Dues are requested on a voluntary basis. If you would like to contribute, you may submit your dues in the pre-addressed envelope that is attached. Checks should be made payable to WCNA. You may also submit your dues at the annual neighborhood meeting on January 29th.
APPRECIATION: Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Santa and all those who participated in our neighborhood lawn Christmas trees.
ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The next annual neighborhood meeting will be held at the Church on the Hill (for room #, follow signs in entry) at 7:00 P.M. on January 29th. Please do not miss this very important meeting. You will be asked to nominate and vote on new board members as all current board members are stepping down.
The current board will be ending its term in January of 2018. None of the current board members are seeking re-election. The by-laws of the association allow up to 9 members on the board. The board consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Our neighborhood has benefited from an active neighborhood association board over the last several years. In order for the association to continue, others in the neighborhood will need to step up and fill these positions. Please seriously consider if you would like to run for any of these offices or if you would like to nominate one of your neighbors. Nominations and voting will take place at our annual January 29th meeting. Also, if you would like to place your name into nomination prior to the meeting, please contact our current president, Tony Medina, 408-978-8092